Response to an egotistical INTJ
Most of us (INTJs) have spent our entire lives honing our skills of people watching. We mentally document everything there is to document about a person. We study you. We can’t help it. It is just who we are. We watch how you do things, how you interact with others, how you speak, how you dress, how you carry yourself, how you respond to certain situations and scenarios all the while, documenting your facial expressions, micro expressions, mannerisms, habits, quirks, you name it. If any of these items are out of whack, not inline with our own morals and codes, we write you off immediately or set up boundaries that keep the toxicity at bay. Traits like these are why it is nearly impossible to lie to an INTJ. Between our ridiculously on-point intuition and our way of noticing when even the smallest of details have changed or are “off”, we can usually pin point exactly what type of questions to start asking. This is the real reason we do not have a ton of friends or even care to have...