How do I refrain from getting irritated when other people do or say stupid things?
I tend to get peeved and irritated when other people do obnoxious things in general. Often times it can affect my mood and I'll think about it all day. Maybe its more rumination, not sure. Anyways, how can I become indifferent to the things happening around me and not let them affect me? - tutankhamun7073
Reframe your perspective, it's you that's losing when you get irritated and angry and trivial things. Trying to understand others by realizing that how you perceive things will be different from others and not always correct. You should ask yourself why the actions of others affect you so much?
Let's say that I see multiple perspectives and choose to act by the one that has the least suffering for others while the most benefit for me and try to make it as close to neutral as possible. In my eyes if everyone choses to behave in that way - all of us will have a better life. So given this explanation, my problem would be that people who benefit from the suffering of others should be high fived in the head with a chair, and people who don't see past their nose - mostly do harm even if they have good intentions. What would you do about reframing your perspective in that case if you were in the same situation? Cuz I honestly don't see an outcome that makes me less anoyed or even ok with any of that. I like your answer so I'd like to hear more. - hate_most_of_you
I think having different perspectives or at least trying to see them leads to more understanding of others, we get there by listening to those different from us rather than dismissing them as wrong/stupid/shallow, this is hard to achieve until we start truly viewing others as equals.
As it is, I think we mostly see the INTJ's way of looking at things, and if we continue to think it's the best way to look at things, we'll remain tunnel-visioned in the grand scheme of things. INTJs see a lot of black and white, but the world exists in shades of grey.
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