Should I stop judging and evaluating everyone I meet?

 If yes, how?

For example, from the minute I meet someone, I start thinking whether they may be friendable or dateable in the future? I'm constantly evaluating their characteristics and bucketing them into which ones may be deal breakers for me. Is this necessarily a bad thing? - joe9nov

I think it makes us a little close-minded to try to put people into specific boxes, it's a little egotistical to do so before we really get to know someone well. The constant judging and assumptions limit our ability to view and perceive people, ideas, and things as they are instead of where they come from. It's natural we do this a little, as long as we're mindful that we aren't racing to too many potentially false conclusions.

I think most people start judging others within the first moments of meeting them, seems normal. Again, it's just about how quickly and reasonable the conclusions we're jumping to are. Ask yourself how long someone needs to know you until you've accurately portrayed yourself? Is it minutes, hours, days? Then it's only fair you should extend that same courtesy before passing judgement

Meeting other healthy mature people with different perspectives helped me a lot. Just have to give people an honest chance and try to understand them instead of denying or criticizing others for their differences; celebrate the differences.
